Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions About Our Added Value
How Much Does an Average Analytics or EA Project Cost?
You probably will expect this answer: “it depends”. It depends on:
the level of confidence you have in your strategic options;
the complexity and variation of the source systems;
the amount of historical loads;
the variability of the business processes and their products;
the level of accuracy of forecasting and time series;
the number of analytical applications needed: batch, micro batch, streaming, edge,…
Our smallest project was less than € 5.000 our largest € 255.000.
Check out our shop for cheaper means to get to know us.
How Do I Prepare a Request for Information for Your Services?
You can choose the easy way and book an (online) appointment where we ask you the right questions to scope the project. Or, you can go through the cumbersome process of drafting an RFI using one of the many templates that float on the Internet… To get three more questions from us to clarify before we can make an estimate. Here is the short version, either for an RFI or for the appointment:
Make sure you inventory the required decision support you need, e.g.:
a status report on sales;
a churn prediction analysis;
a classification of debtors;
Describe the internal and external data sources and their contents that may be of use in the process, e.g.:
Microsoft Dynamics for customer and case management;
An Excel with all my products;
Exact for my accounting data;
Describe your end to end business processes and your capabilities to deliver them​
What if We Have No Expertise in Analytics Nor in Enterprise Architecture?
You’re lucky: since 1989 our partners and consultants have been teaching, leading seminars and workshops on analytics and EA. We assess the level of maturity in a quick scan and deliver a tailor made training programme for the business as well as the IT partners involved in the project.
Is Enterprise Architecture Affordable for a Small Business Like Mine?
Sure. Because Lingua Franca prefers a workable, pragmatic solution over an academic, over-engineered perfect advice that is beyond the resources of a small business. Sometimes enterprise architecture for SME is spending a day looking at your business processes, your strategy and your existing IT systems. Maybe an extra day for indicating one or more improvement initiatives with impact will be sufficient. More on this in our blog.
How Long Have You Been in Business?
Since 1989. We have witnessed many technological (r)evolutions but one aspect has never changed: the data that business processes produce and the strategic options a business faces: improve what works and change what doesn’t.
What's the Size of Your Average Client?
The smallest client ever was a fashion store that needed a structured approach to implement an e-commerce website. But clients like Akzo Nobel, IP Global, KPMG, Heineken, Agfa, EASDAQ, Libertel-Vodafone, Reed-Elsevier, Robeco Advies, Wolters Kluwer, PLuz, Microsoft, Bouygues Télécom, Honda Europe, Horta Tuincentra, Krinkels group, Delta Light, Jan de Nul, AP&P, Hogeschool Zeeland, Molenberg Natie, Aviabel Insurance, Horeca Branche Instituut, Bpost, National Bank of Belgium, Johnson& Johnson, Vlerick Business School, Régilait, Créatis, Kent International, mobile.de, M comme Mutuelle and Harke Group to name a few have worked with one or more of our consultants.
What Separates You From the Competition?
We listen, we take our time to avoid jumping to conclusions and we deliver instead of burning hours on unnecessary meetings and slick presentations. To sum it up: pragmatism, hands on work, producing concrete deliverables instead of nice PowerPoints.
What are the different data models you can provide us with?
Think of the most used models in analytics like:
The Kimball model
Dan Linstedts’s Data Vault
A classic relational model like 3NF
Anchor modeling
Key value models for NoSQL data
Vector data models for small language models
Object Relational models
Do you have anymore questions?
Don't hesitate to send us your questions, ideas, worries, suggestions for improvement,...
We always reply to your input.